Knowledge base

Terms, definitions, information. Start here if you want to learn more about Safetica solutions.

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Webinars and events

From online webinars to meetups and technology fairs... here is a list of all Safetica events.

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Topics: Getting Started

Safetica Product Introduction Video

In this video, discover Safetica: the security solution for data loss prevention and insider risk management, available on-premises and in the cloud.

What to expect from a demo call with Safetica

Are you considering Safetica’s data loss prevention (DLP) and insider risk management (IRM) solution and would like to know more about how our product meets your company’s needs? A demo call will help you figure everything out in a tailored, easy-to-understand way.

Curious how secure is your data against insider threats and breaches?

Enjoy our limited offer. Get a free security audit and discover possible weak points in your company’s data security.