Data loss prevention is tricky. On one hand, you need to protect data which are important, on the other hand, you want to allow your users to work with these data. On top of that, companies are complex environments and setting up and maintaining a DLP solution is often a time-consuming and tiresome task. Safetica has been long-focused on being lightweight and easy to maintain but with Safetica 8 we're taking this to a whole new level!

Introducing data protection in 3 clicks

Let us introduce our latest feature which we've called Channel Control. Channel Control simplifies the general DLP configuration and offers an incredibly easy and fast way to set up monitoring or restrictions on various data flow channels used in your company. It only takes a few toggle activations to start monitoring your company's outgoing communication channels and you'll have an overview of how data travel in your company in no time!

Once you get an idea of how data move within your environment and you're ready to start enforcing security, notifying your users about risky behavior or blocking dangerous file sharing actions only requires a single additional click. It doesn't get any simpler than this.

Designed with sensitive data in mind

In Safetica 7.8 we introduced sensitive data detection, which expanded our context-DLP capabilities with content-awareness. This was a highly anticipated update and we were happy to hear the positive feedback from our customers. We did, however, realize that it was only the first step, and we're excited to confirm that content-aware detection is already integrated with Channel Control! This allows you to set up different restrictions for files which contain sensitive content in order not to disturb the user’s workflow when they are working with unimportant data. And you can set this up in a detailed way, with various restrictions levels for various communication channels. Restrictions need to be justified, otherwise they frustrate the users, and we believe that with the granularity of Channel Control’s settings every company will find its own ideal configuration.

When it comes to content-aware DLP, the detection needs to be as reliable and accurate as possible. This was one of our priorities for Safetica 8 and a lot of effort went into optimizing our content detection technology. Even if “Jaro–Winkler” does not ring a bell with you, rest assured that Safetica’s now generates more accurate results with significantly lower false positive rates.

We have also addressed customer feedback, which we had received on our initial implementation. We fine-tuned our user interface, including regular expressions, which turned out to be even more popular than we’d expected. Based on user requests we've also added new predefined algorithms and now you can choose from 9 simple toggles for finding regulatory compliance content and various country-specific ID numbers.

And while our latest content-aware features will make a lot of customers happy, we realize that there are some who are one step ahead and have already spent time and effort on identifying and classifying their company data. We hate double work, therefore we've prepared a universal integration with third party data classification technology. Once it is configured, Safetica will detect classified data and you can focus on setting up your DLP rules instead of spending time on rescanning and reclassifying your already classified data.

The best Safetica yet

Safetica 8 comes with features which can be set up in minutes and deployed in hours, there's no need to wait weeks or months until your company is protected. And with the improvements on our sensitive data detection technology, we dare say that this is our best version yet. Contact us if you're interested in seeing Safetica in action or getting a trial version to try on your own.


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